Earlier this summer, I had the pleasure of visiting various artists’ home studios to see their set-ups and have a wee chat.
The first artist I went to visit was Clive Powsey. Clive is an incredible artist and to watch him paint with watercolours is truly magical. Lately he has been focusing on intaglio printmaking into which he carves plexiglass with a sharp tool, then pushes the ink into the grooves. This is what he was working on when I arrived. He then puts the plate through a press and ends up with a print of his drawing. After he has pulled a few prints he will often tint them individually with watercolour.
Clive is always a hoot to chat with – he has a rather dry sense of humour and strong opinions, and frankly, I just really enjoy his company! His studio space is in his home and is lovely and bright, with white walls and a large window. I was also really impressed by how clean he keeps his space… There is room to actually work!
Clive will be teaching a couple of different workshops in the 2019 fall session. The first on is Landscapes in Watercolour. I personally love his Man Eating Landscapes that can be seen here: https://www.clivepowsey.com/gallery/man_eating_landscapes_paintings_/
The second workshop he will be instructing is Drypoint and Chine Colle, a really cool technique in which you combine collage with intaglio printmaking. You can see some interesting examples here: https://www.clivepowsey.com/gallery/what_you_see_is_what_you_get_pri/